
patterns and which is activated by the hormone in the females blood. This doesn't happen in males for the same reason that the breasts dont develop-- the specific activity or growth is induced in these target areas by a special bullet (estrogen) or is protected against it, if you want to look at it from the other side by the shield of male hormone. But when you come along and inject right into the target a slug of estrogen far and away greater than it is used to being exposed to or than the available male hormone (androgen) can protect against, you would expect to find exactly what was found--that the fe- male nurturing behaviour was activated just as it would be in a mother rat. This whole matter has nothing to do with TV at all nor does it prove in any way that there is any area, "circuit", or center governing TV behaviour. It is highly falacious and non-biological reasoning to jump from observations on a biochemical-cellular level to conclusions about a complex psycho-social phenomenon like transvestism. I know that Sheila wants to prove her point, but this is reaching in a most desperate and unscientific way.


It was considerate of Sheila to use the words "personality", "created" and "trained" in the same paragraph since this is just what I contend. Per- sonality develops through experience, that is, it IS trained by living. What Dr. Sperry did was to isolate one side of the brain from the other. Since one half of the brain is dominant over the other the recessive side is, so to speak, a sort of "spare". While it handles some matters preferentially it mostly follows the lead of the dominant side How- ever, when cut off from the guidance and support of the dominant side it may be "trained" to function adequately on its own. This training develops the "personality" of the formerly recessive side. When I was a child I broke my right arm and I am right handed. While it was in a cast I trained my left arm to do things it would not otherwise do, such as to feed me. It got fairly expert in various things